Accounting Features
| Invoices: |
 | Create multiple invoices at once |
 | Create recurring invoices |
 | Stage invoice items to be submitted at a later date. These items can be services or products from your database or free txt items |
 | Attach multiple documents to invoices |
 | Utilize invoice queues to assign to employees for managing and verifying invoices |
 | Duplicate existing invoices and set invoice as recurring at any frequency. |
 | Create percentage adjustments on invoices |
 | Enable automatic late fees to be added once invoice is past due. Can be flat amt or multiplier of invoice total |
 | Real time tax rates |
 | Auto notifications set to send to customer and other individuals specified once invoice is created |
 | Setup auto reminder to go out via email or txt x amt of days prior to invoice due date |
 | Know exactly when customer has opened the invoice with Read Confirmation (an email is sent back with info such as date, time, ip, city and other details) |
 | Setup simple or very complex contract pricing |
 | Fully customize invoices. Customize header, data and footer items as well as borders, colors and company logo. Setup multiple invoice templates and assign to different customers |
 | Journal entries |
 | Bulk print invoices |
 | View supporting documents for invoices such as any uploaded docs product or service related documentation or images. Any system activity related to this invoice will be displayed such as sales orders, purchase orders, payment receipts, shipping tickets, etc. |
 | Convert direct to PDF while in invoice display mode |
 | Manually email invoice from document. Check option to receive confirmation once invoice has been opened |
 | Invoice verification process for double check before invoice is posted to AR. This function can be turned on or off. This is a good example of scalable accounting software. While a startup company may not need invoice verification initially this is a valuable function to turn on as once your company gets of size |
 | For invoices needing verification a notice is sent to employee verifying invoices alerting them there are invoices needing verified |
 | All invoice activity is logged in the internal invoice notes section |
 | Actions logged include: all emails sent to customers or invoices, when invoice was read by customer and any editing and deleting of invoice details |
 | There is a notification for all system activity so no surprises the next time you login |
Stage multiple invoice items
Create single Invoice
Create multiple invoices
Customize forms
Financial Reports:
 | Profit and Loss: |
Unlimited number of reports and reporting options
Numerous filters
Option to include inventory, non inventory or both transaction types for better data analysis
Set account exclusions with the click of a mouse
Save and memorize unlimited number of reports
Automate saved reports to be sent out at any frequency
Share saved reports with other employees
Export to multiple formats with on-the-fly custom wysiwyg headers
Multilevel data modeling
Easy to read formatting
Drill all the way down to the transaction details
Popup detail viewer with filter, sorting and grouping options
Noticing transactions linked to accounts incorrectly, no problem edit transactions directly from profit and loss report. Bulk updating of transactions (select multiple transactions to update gl account)
View your profit and loss by project or job
 | Profit and Loss - 360: |
Unlimited number of reports and reporting options
Numerous filters
Option to include inventory, non inventory or both transaction types for better data analysis
Export to multiple formats with on-the-fly custom wysiwyg headers
Share saved reports with other employees
Save and memorize unlimited number of reports
Automate saved reports to be sent out at any frequency
Our Profit and Loss - 360 report is like no other. It allows you to view your profit margins at any angle (division, customer, project, job, product, service, date(week, month, day, qtr), gl account, transaction type or any combination there of)
All of these filters can be then toggled to graph view in which you can graph income, cogs, gross profit, expense, net income and there respective percentages and averages
Select from many columns to show on report
Multi column sorting
Save and automate profit and loss - 360 report to be sent to you at any frequency
Export to multiple formats with on-the-fly custom wysiwyg headers
 | Balance sheet: |
Many filters such as division(one, two or all), method (cash or accrual), select inventory, non inventory or all transaction types, include opening balance or report on specific period, show accounts with zero balance toggle
Specify account exclusions
Export to multiple formats with on-the-fly custom wysiwyg headers
Drill all the way down to transaction detail with the detail viewer
 | Trial balance and general ledger activity: |
Many filters such as division(one, two or all), method (cash or accrual), select inventory, non inventory or all transaction types, include opening balance or report on specific period, show accounts with zero balance toggle
Specify account exclusions or select accounts to show on report
Export to multiple formats with on-the-fly custom wysiwyg headers
Display summary view of accounts and balances with show/hide transaction details
Group transaction details by transaction type, day, week, month, qtr, year
Edit transaction details directly from trial balance report to correct any mistakes (assuming accounting period is still open)
Toggle expand/collapse to show or hide all account details
Profit & Loss (standard report)
Profit & Loss (360)
Profit & Loss (360) graph view
Balance Sheet
Balance Sheet (drill down)
Trial Balance
Trial Balance (account exclusions)