| Create standard, recurring or misc purchase orders |
 | Create 1 or 100 purchase orders at once |
 | Start your purchase orders and save for later submission |
 | Direct ship PO to customer |
 | Misc POs are items that don't exist in the database. When creating misc POs you have the option to have items added to your products database thus building your inventory as you go |
 | Quick add new vendors or customers instead of jumping from one screen to another to add new customers or vendors |
 | Order for multiple divisions, multiple customers from multiple vendors at once |
 | Price masking of po items |
 | Create POs from your products database by searching favorites or duplicating history purchase orders. Save searches for future ordering |
 | When adding inventory items to a PO you can view your inventory breakdown. Display all of your warehouse locations and available inventory. Drill down further into on hand amts to view transaction history of inventory |
 | Set PO high and low limits for each division to control and have sustained inventory. When low levels are hit the system will automatically stage the low level items to a employee to be submitted as a new PO to replenish stock. When high levels are hit PO items can be not allowed to submit or require approval |
 | Setup tier pricing for bulk purchasing |
 | Prior to submitting purchase orders all items with like vendors, divisions, ship methods are grouped together displaying each PO to be submitted with totals, ability to add tax and shipping. Minimum bill amounts can be set at the vendor level to ensure PO acceptance before submitting |
 | Add any special instructions or shipping notes with wysiwyg editor for better visibility of any important instructions |
 | Make any last minute changes such as shipping location or being direct ship to customer |
 | While on the PO submission screen you can set any or all of the purchase orders to recur at any frequency |
 | You have the ability to select which purchase orders you want to submit now while saving the others for later submission |
 | Once POs are submitted system checks for approval requirements. If found an email notice or txt msg will be sent to the approver alerting them of purchase orders to be approved |
 | Once PO has been approved or declined notice or txt msg is sent back to employee |
 | All activity is logged in the internal PO notes section |
 | On PO printout you can click supporting documents to view any documents that were uploaded or product related documentation such as msds. Also view any activity associated with this PO like PO receipts, credits, customer invoices or sales orders that may have been created from direct ship POs |
 | Manually email PO to vendor with email form pre filled. Set read confirmation to alert you once email has been viewed |
 | Convert PO direct to PDF |
 | Receive PO items into warehouse locations |
 | Auto processing is a very powerful function that is used throughout the system. This option, used in PO receipts, loads all receive values with order qty making receiving PO items a task quickly done |
 | Add internal notes to PO as well as individual line item notes |
 | Edit PO details (qty, price, description, etc.) or add other items to PO right from receive items screen |
 | The system automatically tracks price changes. If a price has changed for a PO item, once that change is made the system logs and sends notification to selected users alerting them of a price change. Depending on user level of employee editing price an approving authority may be notified to approve the price change to be saved to the database. Purchasing agents can then analyze price change history to look for any constant price increases |
 | View all notes and activity associated with PO from receive/edit screen |
 | Drill down into received total to view all receipts for specific PO items. If direct ship you can drill down into shipped total to view all shipments and invoices created showing wholesale and retail cost and all related details |
 | Vendor lot # supported |
 | Track credits for damaged goods |
 | Receive back orders |
 | For direct ship POs (with or without sales order) invoicing customer can be done directly from po receipt or po confirmation. Select option to not generate invoice, generate a completed invoice or stage invoice items to create invoice at a later date. For orders paid via credit card once PO shipment is confirmed the credit card is automatically settled completing the order life cycle |
 | An optional feature is PO receipt confirmation for accounting to confirm receipt of PO items |
 | For those frequently ordered items create a favorites list to order from. Favorites can also be used to order like products for different divisions that may have different gl account codes |
 | Select who can access favorites list |
 | Duplicate existing favorites for speedy creation of new favorites |